Sentence dictionary
shared folder permissions
in a sentence
shared folder
Students share folder papers with faculty members and administrators before sending them home. :Yes, look into how to do file sharing / shared folders in Windows. Network access to the pre...
access permissions
It is not access permissions that I wish to avoid but enforcement authority. :: These are two different questions : access permissions vs . copyright. Otherwise, the activity has General A...
default access permissions
Is selected as the default access permission and This role contains default access permissions for any user that can access the database
file access permissions
HP-UX was the first Unix to offer access control lists for file access permissions as an alternative to the standard Unix permissions system. If I remember correctly, the problem was that ...
file permissions
Repairing the file permissions will often correct the Mac's behavior. :: chmod 700 just gives them file permissions no? :You can change file permissions if you own the containing directory...
file system permissions
File system permissions and such are worthless if someone has physical access to the machine. Access control is handled by means of File system permissions given to the database file itsel...
filesystem permissions
The Info-ZIP Windows tools also support NTFS filesystem permissions, and will make an attempt to translate from NTFS permissions to Unix permissions or vice versa when extracting files. Ac...
group permissions
But such group permission " is not acceptable anymore," The guard firmly but politely refused the group permission to enter the country. Police routinely refuse opposition and reformed-min...
He called me and asked permission, and I said sure, Bustos, however, rarely gets permission to leave the office. Four months later, only 20 permission slips have been returned. Permission ...
permissions culture
They call this system " permission culture ." Lawrence Lessig describes permission culture in contrast with Free Culture ", is photography. The disparate features of a free culture and a p...
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